When the ex-husband approached, he tried to remove her from the AC unit, but Dunn produced a pink stun gun and attempted to electrocute him, according to the arrest report. Dunn was struck in the head and dropped both the pink stun gun and a handgun, the report said.
Dunn reportedly got up off the ground and shot him in the testicles with the handgun.
Conflicting reports as ABC11 had claimed:
She sat on the unit to prevent the men from taking it and allegedly attempted to fend off her husband with a stun gun before shooting him in the testicles with a pink handgun
The color of the ball-breaking gun isn’t important. But in my imagination it will always be pink.
More from ActionNewsJAX:
The man’s brother pushed Dunn to the ground and attempted to help his brother and drove him to the hospital.
The report said that the ex-husband’s brother screamed, “You shot my brother” and began choking her until she blacked out.
The brother pushed Dunn and drove him to the hospital… oh, yeah, and choked out the ex-wife. Also, she had a gun, but didn’t have the clarity to shoot the brother in the nuts, I guess shooting people in the nuts is emotionally traumatic.
Dunn’s ex-husband picked up the gun after the shooting and brought it with him to the hospital, the report stated.
I don’t know what else you do with the gun that shot your balls off. But, it feels like “bring it with you to the hospital” doesn’t isn’t very helpful.